Mixed-Use-energy-statementEnergy Report were commissioned to provide an Energy Statement to support the planning application to Ealing Borough Council, under the Greater London Authority – London Plan guidelines, for a mixed use Residential and Commercial development consisting of 6 Retail units on the ground floor and 36 residential apartments over 3 floors. The London Plan guidelines state that a 35% improvement in CO2 emissions must be achieved for any medium to large development within the boundaries of the Greater London Authority, also as part of the London Plan a feasibility study must be carried out in order to asses the developments suitability for use of Combine Heat and Power (CHP), community heating and connection to an existing heat network.

Through improvements to the thermal efficiency of the building envelope, increased air tightness and detailed analysis of the thermal bridging performance including a thorough review of the building services strategy for both the residential and commercial parts of the development, we were able to achieve the required CO2 reductions required by the council. Analysis was carried out using 3D energy modelling software which is approved for Energy calculations. Several solutions were identified and fed back to the client for consideration.

Full planning approval was achieved for the development on the first time of asking, thus allowing the project to proceed within the clients desired timescales.

Should you require advice on how to proceed with an Energy Statement for a residential or commercial development, please get in touch on 01489 883231 or email info@energyreport.co.uk